Wednesday, May 9

New Passion

Good afternoon all. I hope we're all having very good days :)

When I opened up my Etsy shop it was so I could sell me typography word art, which I guess is not so popular. I have a lot of fun making them, but I don't feel like other people like them, and I've kind of lost the drive to make them. I have about 15 with the fabric in place and quotes ready to go, but no motivation to paint them. I started making magnets and that's actually been a lot more fun. I enjoy the monotony of cutting circles I guess. It's fun making those and I enjoy finding all kinds of different images to use. However, the thing I have had the most passion for has been my clocks.

I saw this image on Pinterest and repinned it about 9 weeks ago (according to my board). I thought the idea was simple enough and it looked really cute.

My inspiration.

Well, I had an embroidery hoop on hand, and with a few minor changes made this:

I am obsessed in love with making these clocks. Each one is so different and the options are limitless. I love finding fabric to use and then matching buttons. I even made my first custom order the other day! I just love these so much, and the best part is that people actually buy them! I just posted a new one in my Etsy shop. You should go check it out. I'll even give you a sneak peak of three other clocks I haven't posted yet :) I love these buttons clocks, what about you?

This is another clock that I sold. So cute!

This one is by far my favorite. It'll be hard to part with.

For sale RIGHT NOW! Go buy it check it out :)

Yes, those are EYEBALLS!

Tuesday, May 8

The Avengers

Can everyone do me a favor and go see The Avengers NOW? I've already seen it twice, one 2D and one 3D 9which was awesome) and I'm taking my mom next week for mother's day. This is seriously the greatest comic book movie I've ever seen...and I've seen a lot. Not only that, but it's just a really good movie. It's classified as a comic book movie because it has to be, but seriously, this is for ANY movie fan.

Now go see it. Are you still here? Why? GO!

The Life and Times of Katie S.

Good morning everyone! I'm sitting here at work today and I realized I have just over 100 days left of work. I also only have two weeks left of classes before I graduate with my associates and move on to NIU to get my bachelor's. At that time I will be jobless and living at home with my parents, but will undoubtedly be happier than I have in the last 4 years that I have been struggling to achieve my 60 college credits and start my journey into education. I can't even really explain why I'm so happy to be going to school full time again, except that my life choices the last 4 years have led to a lot of realizations. One of them being that no matter what, I do not want to be a secretary for the rest of my life. A second one being that I actually really like school if I'm learning things other than math or science. I can honestly say that I wouldn't even be here right now if it weren't for my boyfriend who, almost definitely, saved my life.

But here I am, 23 years old, too old and too young at the same time. I don't like mid-twenties. I'm not considered an adult to almost all the same people that think I am way too old to just now be ready to get my bachelors degree. Something I will not hold in my hand until I am 25 years old. I can't wait to be 25 years old.

I'm terrified and ecstatic at the same time. I'm so excited to go to school again. I'll be taking all the English, grammar, and education classes they can throw at me, and I couldn't be happier. I am terrified financially, and it's a fear that won't go away any time soon. In three months I'm going to be leaving my full time job so that I can go to school full time. I'm lucky to have the support of my parents through housing, but no one is financially ready for my tuition costs.

I'm trying to stay positive, and hopefully I'll be able to find a job before the end of the year, but I just don't know what the future holds for me. My boyfriend will be there for me, but he's going to school too. It just won't be the same. It's selfish to say that. I've been lucky to have any job for the last 2 years. I've been able to save up a good amount, but I started too late and I'm paying for that. I've never been the best with money, living paycheck to paycheck has been my life since I started working 6 years ago. I'm hoping that my Etsy shop does well. All of that money will be going towards school. I've never needed it more.

The future is uncertain. The world lost Maurice Sendak today. Just another reminder that time stops for no one. But Maurice seemed to live a good life, seemed happy. He got to do what he loved and he passed as a man loved by millions. If I can do what I love and pass a woman loved by tens, then I will have accomplished much in my life.

Here's to the future. Cheers.